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An Ounce of Prevention Can Protect Your Identity

[Identity Protection]

Your personal information is important to you. Or is it? It should be and you should want to protect it. But what exactly should you want to protect and what are you protecting it from? And how do you protect it? Do you really need to worry about it? And if so, can’t you just pay a service to do it for you?

Lots of questions and even more answers.  Like noses, everybody’s got an answer…or at least an opinion…and, yes, they all smell!  But some smell better than others.  Get a whiff of these tips…

[Originally appeared on StopSign.com – go to Stop Sign…]

Your personally identifiable information (PII) can include many things, such as bank account numbers, passwords, credit card numbers, security codes, driver’s license or state-issued ID numbers, date of birth (DOB), addresses, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, and more.  When someone gets their hands on one or more pieces of your PII, it can potentially be used in many ways; most of them are not good.  Cyber criminals can use your information to make purchases on your credit/debit card and withdrawal or transfer funds from your bank account without your knowledge or permission.  They can also assume your identity for the purpose of opening new accounts, obtaining credit or services, or applying for loans – all under your good name!

Many services are available to monitor your information and accounts.  But these services typically alert you after the suspicious activity has occurred on one or more of your accounts.  That could be a day late and a dollar short.   (Maybe several dollars!)  Think of it this way…would you rather prevent the leak in your roof from occurring in the first place, thus, saving you the headache of cleaning up the mess at all?  Or, would you rather wait until the leak happens, making a mess and causing water damage, before you take action?  Waiting too long means a lot more damage and work for you because then you not only have to fix the leaky roof anyway but you have to clean up the mess, too!  It’s the same idea with the maintenance and protection of your valuable information.  An ounce of prevention could save you a lot of headaches down the road.

Try following these guidelines:

  • Do not carry your Social Security card with you and do not give out your Social Security number. Legitimate businesses and vendors recognize the vulnerability created for customers when they are asked to provide their SSN.  Consequently, most don’t ask for it.  And even if they ask, it doesn’t mean you’re obligated to provide it.
  • Do not carry your PIN or passwords in your wallet and choose a PIN number that’s not obvious like consecutive numbers or your birthday.
  • Regularly review your bank statements, credit card invoices, and bills every month.
  • Monitor your credit reports at least once per year.  You’re entitled to a free copy of your credit report once every twelve months from each of the three credit reporting bureaus (Equifax / Experian / TransUnion).  By requesting your report from one of the bureaus every four months, you can obtain three separate reports over the course of a year.
  • Shred your documents before you throw them in the trash or recycle bin.  Bills, bank statements, credit card statements, cash machine receipts, medical benefits statements, credit card and loan offers, and old credit cards can provide someone digging through your trash with a wealth of information.  Don’t give them that chance.
  • Don’t leave credit, debit, ATM card, or gas station receipts behind at terminals or machines.  Shred them like other personal documents.
  • If you’re not making your bill payments electronically or online, mail them at the post office or use a blue USPS mailbox.  Don’t put your paid bills in your mailbox for pickup.  Identity thieves make a living stealing mail with all that sensitive data.  The amount of damage an ID thief can do with just a signed personal check is limitless.
  • Be suspicious and a little bit paranoid.  Always question when someone asks you for any piece of personal information.  Give out your information sparingly.  Provide as little information as necessary and be very hesitant to give any information to someone who contacts you (vs. someone you have contacted for a specific purpose).  Never give any information to someone calling you on the phone, even if the caller says it will be used to claim a prize or award.
  • Don’t respond to phishing scams, which are fake emails and web sites that appear to be from authentic businesses.  These fakes are trying to get you to provide personal account numbers, logins, and/or passwords.  Legitimate businesses don’t ask you to update your personal information through an email.
  • Don’t click on, open, or download files received in emails or instant messages from anyone, unless you were expecting it and have verified that the file, picture, attachment or website is valid and safe.  Even if the message appears to be from friends, family members, or others with whom you are familiar, be sure to verify with the sender that they really did send it to you and that they are familiar with its contents.  A picture, attachment, or website may contain malicious content.
  • Ignore and delete emails that ask you to forward something on to your friends or contacts and don’t provide any personal information in response to chain emails.
  • Take care not to install programs unwittingly.  Often, software that is free to download online may actually be malware or an infection.  Also, beware of other programs that are bundled with the software you’re intending to download.  Read all user agreements and pay attention to boxes that are checked by default to install an unwanted program.
  • Create and use secure passwords for all accounts online.  Even though it may seem like a hassle, sophisticated software now makes it extremely easy and quick for cyber criminals to crack your passwords if they are less than twelve characters long.  Be creative and make up your own words and use special characters, if allowed.
  • Make sure you know the correct website address you wish to visit and verify it is legitimate before providing any personal information.  Be diligent about ensuring that you are really visiting the website you think you’re visiting, even if it’s one you think you frequent often.  Fake websites are remarkably good at imitating the look and feel of the real thing.
  • Be careful of any advertisements you may click on when visiting a website or that are contained within an email message you’ve received.  They, too, may contain viruses or malware.
  • Always use a firewall on your PC or laptop.  A firewall provides a security barrier between the Internet and your computer, monitoring your connection for suspicious activity and blocking hackers from accessing your machine.
  • Make sure your wireless network (Wi-Fi) is secure.  Lock down your home’s wireless network by using the security features of your wireless router. If you use a Wi-Fi connection away from home, be sure it is secure, or at the very least, avoid sending or receiving personal information over a public connection.
  • Install and always use security software (firewall, antivirus, anti-spyware software) and keep it up-to-date as a safety measure against online intrusions.
  • Always use security software and make sure it includes antivirus, anti- malware, a firewall, an email spam filter, a popup blocker, and protection against identity theft.  Keep the software up-to-date to stay safe and secure against online intrusions.
  • Use an updated Web browser to make sure you’re taking advantage of its current safety features.
  • Don’t share too much personal information online through social networking sites.  Remember, it’s the Internet and once it’s out there, it’s out there to stay.
  • Be sure to destroy all of the digital data on your hard drive when you sell, trade or get rid of an old computer.  The same goes for other storage media like thumb drives, DVD’s, CD’s, etc.  Make sure the data is completely erased and destroyed.  Besides deleting the data and reformatting the hard drive, use a product like Microsoft-backed SDelete to ensure all data is completely wiped beyond recovery from the hard drive.  Completely destroy DVD’s or CD’s by shredding them or cutting them up with scissors.
  • Be aware of the latest scams and use caution to combat fraud.  Share what you learn with your friends and family.

[Originally appeared on StopSign.com – go to Stop Sign…]

Don’t Take the Bait! Avoid “Phishing” Lures to Protect Your Identity


So my wife asked me the other day, “Why are we getting this?” She was referring to an email we received that said, “Your Federal Tax Payment ID: 9387589 is failed.” I could see she was a little concerned and wanted to resolve it right away. And that’s exactly what they want. That’s how they get ya! Get an unsuspecting but otherwise conscientious person, who has their stuff together, to respond quickly without questioning or verifying things. They just want to address it and get it resolved. Normally that’s a good thing.

[Originally appeared on StopSign.com – Go to Stop Sign…]

Poor grammar notwithstanding, I knew without even reading the body of the email that it was a hoax – a scam.  How?  For starters, I don’t owe Uncle Sam any money for taxes last year or the several years prior.  Secondly, the number referenced in the email doesn’t even contain the correct number of digits to be a valid Social Security or tax ID number.  Even if it did, the number they provided was nowhere near my SSN.  Plus, I don’t own a business, so I don’t have a “Federal Tax ID Number” (also called an EIN “Employer Identification Number”).

Among the other clues indicating the request was bogus is the fact that our Federal government does not notify taxpayers of delinquencies, rejected tax returns, or failed electronic payments by way of an email message.  And if by chance they did, I’d hope it wouldn’t come from some random joker named “Francisco Maghee”.  Not to mention, “Francisco’s” email address prefix was a string of gibberish — “ghnqcsuvktecvy” to be exact.  Never mind that a quick Google search of the domain used in the email address (everything after the “@” symbol) revealed that a spammer had been using a legitimate organization’s domain as the “From” address on their spam emails .  And that was a far cry from a “.gov” top-level domain (TLD), which you’d expect to see from a government agency like the IRS.

Another red flag was the attachment, which I did not open!  It was an executable file (its name ended in “.exe”), which you should never click on or open, unless you’re absolutely sure of what the file contains and that it came from a trusted source.  Since neither of those conditions were the case, there’s a good chance the sender’s objective was to get one of us to click on, and therefore open, the attached file.  Opening the attachment would launch or run the executable file, possibly containing a virus, trojan, spyware, or other form of malware.  Malware can slow down or break your computer, and can be costly and time-consuming to repair.  Malware could also run a program in the background, without your knowledge, and gather your personally identifiable information (PII) for use without your consent, for evil purposes, and/or to steal your identity.

Identity theft occurs when your PII is stolen, taken without your permission, or obtained under false pretenses.  Your information is then used to do any number of things including making unauthorized purchases on your credit card, opening new credit or bank accounts, and applying for and obtaining a loan, just to name a few.

So, what if you get a “phishy” email like the one I received?  Simple.  Delete it immediately and do not open any attachments!

BOTTOM LINE:  Be skeptical.  Question everything.  Don’t be so quick to respond to inquiries received in an email.  That is, if you even respond at all.

[Originally appeared on StopSign.com – Go to Stop Sign…]

Are You Raising a Cyberbully?


Cyberbullies Can Strike Anywhere
There’s Digital Media
Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If you have a preadolescent, moody, hormonal kid, also known as a teenager, pre-teen, or “tween”, you should be aware of cyberbullying. In our digital, mobile, and social world, cyberbullying is a very real issue and a concern for parents.  Cyberbullying is much more than just a modern version of the good-old-fashioned schoolyard bullying.  In general, “cyberbullying” is the term used to describe online activities between minors that can range anywhere from text messages of a teasing nature, to digital harassment, and even threats of physical harm.  Usually it’s deliberate and repeated behavior with the intent of causing physical, psychological, or emotional harm to the victim by way of computers and cell phones.

[Originally appeared on StopSign.com – Go to Stop Sign…]

“Egads!” One more thing for parents to worry about! As if there aren’t already plenty of social minefields that parents need to help Junior traverse during his teenage-angst years, now it’s necessary to know how to recognize when he may be the victim of a digital bully?

Indeed! And it’s precisely that picture parents typically associate with cyberbullying — protecting their little angel from the harm of online meanies.  Most parents are working hard to raise a “good” kid, who’s kind and considerate of others. But all kids, even good ones, make mistakes and bad choices. They need our guidance. It’s important for parents to realize that a child is just as likely to be the cyberbully as they are to be the victim of one. Parents need to be aware of this possibility, even as heartbreaking and devastating as it could be to learn that your kid is the one behaving badly. Sometimes the child has no clue their actions could be classified as cyberbullying. Kids can also switch between roles, from victim to bully and back again, as part of a digital exchange.  Whatever the case, parents need to address the issue head-on and not wait for it to just go away.

It’s anyone’s guess why your offspring might get caught up in the role of the cyberbully. Surely contributing factors are the ubiquitous and oh-so-easy-to-use digital toys of today, which make for an abundance of opportunity. Because communications are merely typed online and not face-to-face, kids can feel less encumbered, making them much more likely to write shocking or mean things they wouldn’t ordinarily say in person. The writer feels a sense of detachment and anonymity, making the comments seem not so personal.

But why would any kid, especially your child, bully another online, regardless of ease and opportunity? The reasons are many and varied:

  • Attention – Looking for laughs, trying to be funny or look “cool.” Attempting to elicit some sort of reaction from the intended target or onlookers.
  • Power-Hungry – Harassing others is a cheap and easy way for a kid to boost their ego.
  • Mob Mentality – It’s easy to pile on or be a “me too” when you can get lost in the crowd. It’s safer, especially if a kid knows the behavior is questionable in first place.
  • Mean Girls – It’s a way for kids to establish or improve their social standing in a group or clique. Reinforces the cyberbully’s place in social circles.
  • Entertainment – It could be as simple as boredom. Too much time on their hands, not enough to do, and too many tech toys available to them.
  • Revenge, Frustration, or Anger – It can start as “vigilante justice” defending themselves from bullies or standing up for others.
  • Vicarious Tough Guy – It’s an easy way to be the tough guy or gal.
  • Accident – Let’s face it, a kid could mistakenly send a message to the wrong recipient or not think something through before they sent it.

So what are the signs that a child might be doing the cyberbullying?

  • Uses several online accounts or ones that are not their own.
  • Avoids talking about their online activities or what they’re doing on the computer.
  • Quickly switches screens, minimizes windows, or closes programs when someone approaches or walks by.
  • Appears to always want to hide their cell phone or computer from you.
  • Uses the computer excessively or late at night.
  • Becomes angry, upset, or irritated when they’re denied use of a computer, cell phone, or mobile device.
  • Displays increased levels of aggression.
  • Is unwilling to accept responsibility for their behavior.
  • Laughs excessively while using the computer or other electronic devices.

What’s a parent to do if and when they discover their child is a cyberbully?  Do you use the old potty training for dogs technique of rubbing their nose in it by cyberbullying your own child? Although that might teach them empathy for the cyberbully victim, it’s probably not the most constructive method. Besides, if two wrongs ever do make a right, this probably isn’t the time. Try the following:

  • Talk to your kids about the power of words and how damaging and hurtful they can truly be.
  • Talk to your child firmly about his or her actions and explain the negative impact it has on others.
  • Force your child to really reflect on what they did, why they did it, giving serious thought to what the actual impact was on their victim.
  • Try to find out if they themselves have ever been bullied.
  • Require your child to do research on cyberbullying and the long-term damage and trauma it can cause people.
  • Consider restricting your child’s cell phone and Internet privileges until behavior improves and then monitor their activities closely. Remind your child that the use of cell phones and computers is a privilege.
  • Consulting with your child’s teachers, guidance counselors, and other school officials could help you understand why your kid would bully another.
  • If your child has trouble managing anger, talk to a therapist about helping them handle strong feelings in a constructive manner.
  • Also consider seeking professional counseling to help your child combat the urge to harm or harass others.
  • A final next step could be to consider reparations, which take into account the victim and possibly their family. (Keep in mind that a victim of bullying may not be able to readily accept an apology right away.  The victim might question the sincerity of the apology or may suspect an ulterior motive. Sometimes the apology is best made several months after the incident.)

The time to address cyberbullying with your kids is before it occurs. Talk to them about what cyberbullying actually is and what forms it can take. Give examples and explain to them that joking around and teasing might seem like good clean fun, but it can hurt people’s feelings and lead to serious consequences. Also, don’t rely on the school system to educate or intervene when it comes to cyberbullying. There is limited guidance available about whether schools should intervene, or whether they legally can, in bullying situations that occur off-campus, outside of school hours, and/or that involve digital or electronic communications.  Further complicating matters, cyberbullying occurs most often on weekends, when kids have more time and opportunity to be online.

Bullying in any form is unacceptable. It can have severe and long-lasting consequences. When one kid bullies another, it can be devastating.  When dozens of kids bully another, the emotional damage can last a lifetime. The more involved you are as a parent, the greater your ability will be to recognize cyberbullying and put a stop to it. Tech-savvy parents can model good online behavior and help their kids understand the benefits and the dangers of life online in the digital world.

Related Articles:

[Originally appeared on StopSign.com – Go to Stop Sign…]

Cell Phones for Teens: Smart or Dumb?

Cell Phones for Teens:  Smart or Dumb?

As parents, my wife and I recently hit a milestone. Our oldest child became a teenager last month. As we all know, your world changes when you hit “Teendom”! But as the world changes, so does the list of “Things That Change When You Become a Teenager.” One item that wasn’t on our lists when we went through this rite of passage was getting our first cell phone. A what phone? I know, right?…
[Originally Appeared on StopSign.com – Go to Stop Sign…]

So here we are. Several of our son’s friends have already had their own cell phones, some for a year or two before they hit their teens. So naturally, the number one thing on our soon-to-be teen’s birthday wish list was a phone of his own.

Our first question: “Is a 13-year old mature and responsible enough for his own cell phone?” Well, we felt that he’d demonstrated the requisite responsibility and he’d patiently waited long enough. He had earned the opportunity to prove us right or wrong, as the case may be. So that decision was easy. But the questions get tougher. There are many more decisions to make, like, “what type of phone?” A smart phone or a feature (dumb) phone? Uhh…

This question raises much debate but there’s probably no one right or wrong answer. Many parents feel a child should not have a smartphone, with all its functionality, until they are of driving age. Among some of the concerns about giving your child a smartphone (at any age), include:

  • Games and apps can be addicting and discourage socialization and interaction with others. Not to mention, if that’s your child’s primary use of the smartphone, you’re paying a lot of money for a toy.
  • A lot of time spent on a smartphone can discourage a child from getting up and moving around. This lack of exercise can lead to overweight or obese children.
  • Too much time spent looking at small screens can weaken a child’s eyesight.
  • During the adolescent years, high exposure to smartphones can adversely affect brain development, possibly leading to shortened attention spans.
  • “Checking-in” publicly to places or from locations via social media platforms or apps, such as Facebook or Foursquare, can potentially jeopardize your child’s safety and security by making their whereabouts known to predators lurking online.
  • Smartphones can be used to bully other kids or lend to your child becoming the victim of cyber-bullying, whether it’s through social media platforms, texting, instant messaging, or other apps.

Many of the concerns about teens with smartphones aren’t much different from those that exist for kids with iPod Touches or other mobile Wi-Fi enabled devices, like tablets. A few differences between smartphones and iPods or tablets include costs and managing Internet access. Wi-Fi mobile devices are generally less expensive than smartphones, mainly because there is no requirement for a monthly data plan as with cell phones. Additionally, since Wi-Fi service is required, the iPods and tablets are more likely to be used at home, where parents can more closely monitor online activities.

So, if you can work through the list of cons and none of them are show stoppers for you, take a look at the convenience and accessibility that smartphones offer. Smartphones provide many advantages to parents, as well as children, including the following non-exhaustive list:

  • Parental controls are available for smartphones. Some are included in the operating system. Apple’s iOS allows you to turn on or off everything from the Safari Internet browser to YouTube to multi-player games in the Game Center. iOS restrictions also allow you to control access levels to movies, songs, and apps based on their ratings. For smartphones on other platforms like Android, the controls aren’t part of the operating system but there are several apps available for parents to control access and monitor activity.
  • Smartphones also allow you to keep tabs on your child using mobile apps and desktop programs like Google Latitude. Assuming their devices are with them, you can use smartphones to track your kids’ whereabouts at all times to make sure they are safe. This can be done without using any of the check-in services from one of the many social networking platforms. All the major wireless phone carriers have services that let you track the location of family members. There are several free apps that allow you to do this with no service fees, such as Apple’s Find My iPhone or the family app Life360 Family Locator.
  • Another benefit of smartphones is they provide access to additional learning resources, including apps for arts, math, science, spelling, foreign languages, and many more.
  • Smartphones also enable your child to easily find phone numbers or information they need online.
  • Google Navigation means your child shouldn’t get lost (or at least won’t stay lost for long).
  • Smartphone calendars can assist your child in remembering homework due dates, other important events and teach them how to manage their time and schedules.

It’s also becoming more and more difficult to find non-smartphone offerings from the phone carriers. The choices for feature phones are dwindling and the cost differences between the two types of phones are narrowing. It costs nearly as much to purchase a “dumb” phone as it does a smartphone. Pretty soon, that decision will be a moot point, as the decision will be made for you.

The bottom line is, for good or for bad, smartphone technology is here to stay. The key is to make it work for you and your family. Parental instruction and guidance about this technology are the most important parts of the equation. Establish rules and expectations for your teen’s cell phone usage and the potential consequences for failing to abide by those requirements. Clearly stating what constitutes appropriate use, as well as unacceptable activities, are important elements. Explain to your child that you want them to have the best communication tools available but that their use of them is a privilege and not a teenage right.

Formalize this notion by having a written cell phone agreement or contract that your child signs to indicate their acknowledgment of the rules, expectations, and consequences that govern their cell phone usage. Consider including stipulations in the agreement, such as a statement that they are not to share their location (aka check-in via social networking apps) with anyone other than your family and/or your tight network of friends.

Above all, don’t dread hooking your teen up. Help them get connected but do it on your terms by managing it and everything will work out just fine! How do you feel about the whole “cell phones for teens debate?” Smart or Dumb?

[Originally Appeared on StopSign.com – Go to Stop Sign…]

Don’t Get Tricked: Watch for Fake Websites aka Spoofing


By now, chances are you’ve heard the preaching about how important it is to have good, strong passwords – and how your passwords should contain at least twelve digits and be peppered with special characters whenever possible.  You’ve also probably heard you should have a different password for each and every account or website you frequent. And let’s just assume you’re heeding that advice.

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Regardless of how long, strong, or clever your passwords may be, none of that matters if you share your passwords with the wrong person.  So it goes without saying that you wouldn’t willingly or knowingly give your password to just anybody. In fact, as wise as you are, you probably wouldn’t share any of your passwords with someone else. However, in spite of your prudent intentions, you might do just that if you’re not extremely careful.

With today’s sophisticated “phishing” and “spoofing” tactics, you could easily be duped into providing your login credentials for a website by typing your user ID and password into what you think is the real website, but in actuality, it’s a very convincing fake.  These lookalike or “spoof” websites appear to be the real thing, so much so that you could easily be lulled into providing your username and password without batting an eye.

It’s important to understand how and why you might end up on a fake website in the first place. Often it starts with a phishing email message you receive.  The email is fake and comes from an online scam artist posing as a credible organization that you trust and with which you normally conduct business.  The emails can truly seem authentic, containing believable imitations of the company’s logo.  But because they are contacting you, and through email no less, you should put your “suspicious” shoes on, even if nothing appears amiss.  Here’s what to do if you receive an email likes this:

First, if the message is seems overly suspicious, don’t open it at all – just delete it.

Secondly, assuming you’ve opened the message, take a look at the actual email address of the sender by hovering your mouse over the sender’s name/address, right-click your mouse to display a menu, then left-click on “Properties” to see if the message is really from who it purports to be from.  In other words, if the email says it’s from Chase Freedom, the email address should end in “chase.com.”  (NOTE:  Just because the email passes this test, doesn’t guarantee you’re in the clear.  It’s easy for hackers to spoof a legitimate email address, so don’t rely solely on this check for verification.) 

Spoof emails usually contain links within the body of the message that take you to other websites.  DO NOT click on them!  First, check for fake links.  Move and hover your mouse over the link in the email message and study the URL, which is usually displayed in your system tray at the lower left portion of your screen.  If it looks suspicious, don’t click it.  Spam (phishing) emails are geared to redirect you to a spoofing website where they’ll ask you to enter your personal information.  Never respond to emails asking for your account related information, such as account number, user ID, and/or passwords.  If you want to be sure you’re visiting the authentic website of a particular organization, it’s safest to open a new browser window and type the URL yourself, such as www.chase.com.

If you have clicked on a link and landed on a website, be sure to verify it’s not a spoofing website – even if everything else looks exactly like the real deal.  It’s possible you’ve been redirected to a webpage resembling the login screen for the business in question. BUT WAIT!  Slow down, take a minute, and think.  Spammers (aka “cyber criminals”) hope you don’t hesitate or take the time to think.  In fact, that’s exactly what they’re counting on! They want you to just plow ahead on “auto-pilot” and enter your user name and password when prompted, without thinking twice.  But if you do and the website is not the “Real McCoy”,  they’ve got what they wanted — your information!

To prevent this, anytime you are prompted by a website to enter information specific to you, whether a login, password, account number, or any other piece of information, make sure you verify you are really on the actual website and not a fake one.

  • Study the website URL in the address bar. For example, make sure it is really “twitter.com” and not a deceivingly close “twiter.com”. Close doesn’t cut it.  If it’s not exact, it’s not the site you want.
  • Some fake websites will insert a false address over the actual, evil address, making it appear as though you’re on a legitimate website. Just because a URL contains the name of the business in it, doesn’t mean it’s legitimate.
  • Also, look for a secure lock icon in your browser where it normally would appear, such as immediately to the right of the address bar if you’re using Internet Explorer. Check to be sure it isn’t a fake icon placed somewhere else on the page just to fool you.
  • Look for “https” before any website address (URL) where you’ll be entering personal information. The “s” stands for secure. If you don’t see “https” you’re not on a secure website and you shouldn’t enter any personal information.
  • Never respond to any online forms or popup windows asking you to login, change or update your user ID or passwords, or provide any other sensitive personal information. Only do this if you’ve initiated the visit to the company’s website yourself by typing the URL directly into your browser’s address bar.

Some of the more commonly spoofed organizations for emails and websites include financial and banking institutions like ChaseCitibankPayPal, social media outlets, escrow service providers, as well as online commerce websites like eBay.

The intent of spamming and spoofing is to trick you into handing your personal information over to online dirtbags.  They are identity thieves, plain and simple, and they’re hoping you’re not paying attention. Make sure you slow down and scrutinize the emails you receive and verify the websites you visit. It will be worth it!

Image courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/mcoughlin/3650750855/

[Originally Appeared on StopSign.com – Go to Stop Sign…]

Seattle Fans Savor Their SuperSonics Memories

We basketball fans in the Pacific Northwest are bursting at the seams with newfound giddiness over the prospect of seeing a new arena built in SODO, which brings with it the promise of professional basketball returning to Seattle.  A cool little side-effect to the “Bring Back Our Sonics” (BBOS) movement is how we’ve become re-acquainted with our Seattle SuperSonics past, reviving our fond memories and love of our basketball team.

Though it’s nearly impossible to fathom a silver lining could exist in the dark cloud of the Sonics departure, for me it would have to be the way this campaign has enabled us to truly remember all of the good, to relive and relish the 41 seasons we lived and breathed Sonics basketball.  It’s made me realize that our basketball team really was a true gem, of the Emerald City variety, even if the NBA had taken some of the luster off it during the last few seasons the team was here.

Since the team left, it’s as if our Sonics fandom has been frozen in time.  There hasn’t been anything new to get excited about, nothing to look forward to on the pro basketball front.  Because there aren’t any flashy new players in town for us to be smitten with, the statures of those who were here are intensified.  Our Sonics history, our memories, they stopped accruing after 2008.  We don’t have any new stars here, like a Kevin Durant, someone to fawn over, to idolize, to pin our playoff hopes on, or someone to give us NBA title dreams.  Because of that, we’re left to dance with who “brung” us.  So we fondly remember our favorite Sonics players of yore.  We pay homage to them.  We celebrate them even more than we maybe otherwise would have.  They’re it.  They’re all we’ve got.  Those are the guys who created our Sonics basketball history.  And we love to rattle off their names as we reminisce with friends, especially  when trying to recall some of the more obscure players who wore the green and yellow (and sometimes burnt orange) over those 41 years.


From the icons’ perspective, imagine how cool it must be for Gary Payton, Shawn Kemp, Slick Watts, and Detlef Schrempf to be feelin’ the love from Sonics Nation and celebrated in larger-than-life fashion as they are right now.  Not that they weren’t already beloved, but now it’s over the top, “Sonic Boom” style!  I’ve gotta believe that the cause is amplifying it – and it’s all good!

So, now we’re merely months away, maybe just weeks away, from knowing whether our pro basketball memories in Seattle will remain indefinitely frozen in time, or they’ll be coming off “pause” soon.  Either way, until we get the new incarnation of the SuperSonics, there will be no new basketball players to warrant our attention, let alone our affections.  So, in the meantime, we remain fixated on the ones who served us, the ones we do know and love.  Cherishing our Sonics memories, with the men who made them, gets us all lathered up and propels us to take action to demonstrate our support to the city and county council members, the elected officials whose approval is necessary to pave the way for the next generation of Supes.  In the meantime, the Glove, the Reign Man, Slick, Det, and some of the others get to keep holding court, just like back in their heyday, maybe even more so.

It’s often said we don’t realize what we have ‘til it’s gone.  Well, after the initial shock, hurt, denial, and anger had subsided, BBOS helped me, and I’m sure many other Sonics fans, to realize that the absence of our team has indeed made the heart grow fonder.  And just maybe, the silver lining to the (“Thunder”) cloud is, the fans get unprecedented access to our Sonics heroes, while those legends get a little extra time in the SuperSonics spotlight.



Learning to Live & Love Social Media

I’m almost ashamed to admit it.  Especially since for so long, I resisted having anything to do with social media.  I didn’t get it. I didn’t want to get it. After all, like everyone else, I’m busy with life. The last thing I needed was another “time suck”, especially one in the form of something I’d lived without my entire life…thank you very much!  Besides, I wasn’t even slightly interested in Facebook; I really don’t care who woke up with the giggles or what they ate for breakfast.  And I really didn’t understand the appeal of Twitter. Besides, what can you say in 140 characters or less, except to tell the world what you had for breakfast?  Furthermore, I sure as heck wasn’t about to “check in” and tell the world where I am at any given time. Like I’d think you’d care anyway!

Well…as I sit here writing this blog post, it’s pretty obvious I’ve taken the social media plunge. And I did it long before my lovely wife did. In fact, she still hasn’t even dipped so much as a toe in them thar waters.  It doesn’t look like she ever will. She’s a gawl darn holdout with no interest in having people all up in her business, while I admittedly continue to drink the social media Kool-Aid.  She’s perfectly content to get her “social” fix vicariously through me via Facebook posts I occasionally share with her.

But I’m not ashamed that I joined in the social games.  I’m not even sorry for that matter.  Social media platforms are where you’ll find more and more of the people these days.  So, if you want to play, be it socially or professionally, that’s where you need to be.

How did I get started, immersed even, in the social media world? It was pretty easy, actually. Once I realized it’s called “social” media for a reason, I started to get into a groove with it.  You’ll really only get out of social media what you put into it. That is, you need to make an effort to engage people, which requires putting yourself out there a bit, and on a fairly regular basis.  It takes some effort if you want to grow the number of people with whom you interact. My first step was to create a Twitter account. I thought of a semi-anonymous Twitter handle (@JohnnyBehave), which represents me and my true interests, even passions. These include things I am familiar with or that I arguably possess a certain degree of expertise in. My Twitter activity (Tweeting) started slowly but, with a little increased effort, gained some momentum. I’ve been able to slowly build a small following that continues to grow. But it wasn’t until I started following real people, not just celebrities and businesses, and started tweeting and responding to them, that things started happening.

Once the seal was broken with my first social media program, I began my dalliance into the world of Facebook. I must say, I’ve really enjoyed being able to quickly and easily catch up with old friends, classmates, and acquaintances, mostly from high school and college.  Then before I knew it, I was checking in on Foursquare (somewhat anonymously as Johnny Behave) and Yelp!  Yeah!  Check it out. I’m even blogging on Posterous for crying out loud!

Perhaps most importantly, I’m seeing the relevance and power of social media to businesses, marketers, and the world as a whole. As I’ve adopted it, I continue to enjoy learning the world of social media.  One might even say I’ve developed a passion for it!

But with all of social media’s good comes the bad and the ugly.  For me, that includes the inconsistent and often conflicting protocols applied to Social Mediaville.  The things people do and the ways in which they do them in the land of social media are as varied as the people themselves. Those various shades of gray provide more than ample fodder for several future discussions dedicated to rants, raves, and pet peeves about people’s online social media practices. Those are posts for another day…

For now, I’m “All In” when it comes to social media.  I’m not only living with it, I’m loving it!

But I still don’t care what you ate for breakfast!  Cheers!

Print Magazines Successfully Alienating Subscribers @Family_Handyman #DIY #Handyman

I admit it. I’m one of those retro-types who appreciates a good, old-fashioned, tree-killin’ hardcopy of my favorite magazine. And having it show up in my mailbox, at regular intervals courtesy of the friendly folks at USPS, makes it ultra convenient to flip through actual pages of glossy color photos and articles.

I’m also not averse to the occasional do-it-yourself (DIY) project around the house, especially if I think I can save a few bucks without getting in too far over my head. So not surprisingly, one of my favorite reads is The Family Handyman magazine. I almost consider it a “tool”, in and of itself. The magazine’s self-proclaimed mission is, “to serve do-it-yourself homeowners with engaging and practical ways to improve and maintain their homes and yards.” This is something they do very well, in my opinion.  

However, something else they’re doing very well is annoying the crud out of me by sending me umpteen deceptive and misleading renewal notices. Just last week, I received an envelope with a bright orange sticker reading “Account Notice”. Inside I found several notes saying “Expiration Notice”. Upon a closer look, it was apparent they were trying to prod me into renewing my subscription for an additional year, even though I’m currently paid up for another 18 months.  The sense of urgency was created under the guise that my “compensation benefits expire in 15 days”. Oh no! The “compensation benefits to which they referred were a “Gift Subscription” I would be able to give if I acted immediately. Never mind the fact that I would be required to pay 50% more than my regular renewal rate for an additional year just for this special privilege.

Soon I’ll have to write @Family_Handyman magazine a nasty cancellation notice, just like the one I had to send to their competitor, The Handyman Club of America a few years ago. In exchange for subscribing to their Handy magazine, they thanked me by consistently sending me hardback books, without me having to even ask! I would get to preview these books that I never wanted for free for 30 days! And I was under no obligation…except I had to return the book to them within 30 days. But who doesn’t want an extra trip to the post office and a little wait in line with some of our neighbors and friends? Or, I also had the option to pay for the book that I never wanted — just $29.99! Then I could keep the book! Did I mention I never wanted it?

I guess it’s looking like I’m going to have to lose my affinity for the good, old, glossy printed mags.




Post Lockout, NFL Still Gouging Season Ticket Holders!

OK. I’m excited! Football season is upon us and I’m as happy as anyone that the NFL lockout has ended. No longer threatened are my annual Fall rituals of obsessing over two fantasy football teams, outguessing the field in three weekly pick ’em pools, and feeding my crack-like addiction to the NFL RedZone channel. And those guilty pleasures take a back seat to my family’s ritual of hopping a ferry boat each Seahawks’ Sunday to float the pond that is Puget Sound to attend each and every home game of my beloved, albeit emotionally abusive, hometown team.

Like many pro football fans, I don’t get too excited about, or put much stock in, NFL preseason games. However, one novelty about them I do enjoy is the prospect of watching a football game while sitting outdoors, at night, wearing shorts, a tank top, and flip-flops, without freezing my footballs off! Yeah, IN SEATTLE!! It’s happened before. It can happen again. And I can’t let the thought of it go. But I digress…

What I don’t dig is being forced to pay regular season prices for each of two home preseason games. Forced by my hometown team, courtesy of a league-wide NFL policy. All for the privilege of purchasing an entire season’s worth of tickets (at a slightly discounted rate off the single-game ticket price). Seriously? For PRESEASON FOOTBALL? Yeah. *sigh* That’s like paying full price admission to only watch batting practice at the #Mariners…..oh, but you get the right to spend that much again to actually watch the game tomorrow. It’s a dress rehearsal at opening night prices. C’mon, Man!

Meaningless football and sloppy play notwithstanding, these preseason tickets are for games played on non-customary days that start at odd times. These games are played during one of the busiest months of the year for many families. It’s the end of summer, when youth baseball tournaments are squeezed into the precious few remaining weekends of the break. Soccer tournaments are hitting full stride. Families are squeezing the last bit o’ fun out of the vacation season.

So, I ask, “Are you kidding me?” I can’t GIVE these tickets away, let alone could I muster the audacity to ask ANYONE to PAY me for them. I consider it a moral victory if I can simply avoid having the money I paid, at regular season prices, from going to waste altogether.

I’m not normally one to beat the “greedy billionaire owners/ungrateful players” drum. But would I like to see the NFL’s regular season expanded to eighteen games? ONLY if they simply make one of the existing two home preseason games count for each team WITHOUT tacking on another preseason dress rehearsal, for which I have to pay regular season prices. Somehow, I don’t see that happening. After all, they’re already getting their money as it is.

So, I guess I’m beating that drum.


West Coast League Summer College Baseball is a Jewel: Players are Truly “Boys of Summer”

Thanks to my job, I found myself needing to pay particularly close attention to the last three weeks of the West Coast League baseball season, which included divisional playoffs and a championship series.  The final game was tonight, an 11-4 Corvallis Knights (@CorvKnights) victory over the Walla Walla Sweets (@WWSweets), a sweep of the WCL championship series 2-0.

Even though I had no dog in the hunt (I’m a fan of my local team, the #Kitsap BlueJackets @Bluejackets_kit), I found myself listening to tonight’s game on my laptop via the Sweets’ streaming radio feed. The live play-by-play added extra excitement to the half-inning updates both teams provided on Twitter, the same kind of updates I’ve followed a lot over the last few weeks!

What I’m getting at is…the West Coast League is a jewel, man!  And I don’t mean a jewel like a Klamath Falls Gem (@KFallsGems), which I learned is a type of potato; that’s why their mascot is “Tater”.  I mean a jewel like a diamond, as in an engagement ring (or even a baseball diamond for that matter).  The problem is, not enough people know that the WCL is a “jewel”.  Not enough baseball fans in Kitsap County know it or show it, anyway.  But now I know it, just like many other folks seem to know it in other #WCL towns.

The reason I know it is because I had the pleasure of attending games in Bellingham (@BhamBells), Wenatchee (@AppleSox), and Walla Walla earlier this month.  At each stop I was blown away by the number of people who knew about the “jewel”.  That is, they knew about the budget-friendly, family-friendly good time there is to be had at every home game of their home town team.  In those places, they know that a good place to be on a summer night is at the ol’ ball game.  They know that the PNW’s version of a summer collegiate baseball league, where the rosters are filled with active college baseball players with at least one more year of eligibility and maybe dreams of playing beyond that, is a “jewel” where you’ll find the Boys of Summer.
